当社は、国際支援活動を行うNGO団体への支援活動を続けています。We are continuing to support NGOs engaged in international support activities.
アフリカ地域での飲料用水のインフラ整備の支援について About support for infrastructure development of drinking water in Africa


Through NGOs, I would like to help the children in Africa to build an infrastructure for drinking water and build wells in order to create an environment where they can study. Even a small amount makes sense.
We are currently developing an NGO-supported vending machine (vending machine).

特定非営利活動法人 ロシナンテスとは About Non-Profit Organization Losinantes

特定非営利活動法人 ロシナンテスとは、川原尚行さんを応援する団体です。

Non-profit corporation Losinantes is an organization that supports Naoyuki Kawahara.
As a member of the Doctors Without Borders, it has been 13 years since I started support activities in Sudan where social infrastructure is not sufficient.
While putting yourself in a harsh environment with local people,
Naoyuki Kawahara struggles to deliver medical care to a village without a doctor.
In Japan, NPO Losinantes has started to support Mr. Naoyuki Kawahara, who has started activities locally, and a system that is the basis of current activities has been established.

特定非営利活動法人 ロシナンテス Non-profit corporation Losinantes

国境なき医師団とは About Doctors Without Borders

国境なき医師団(Médecins Sans Frontières=MSF)は、 独立・中立・公平な立場で医療・人道援助活動を行う民間・非営利の国際団体です。1971年に設立し、1992年には日本事務局が発足しました。

The Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières = MSF) is a private, non-profit international organization that provides medical and humanitarian assistance activities in an independent, neutral and impartial position. Established in 1971, the Japan Secretariat was established in 1992.
Its activities are aimed at meeting urgent medical needs. It covers a wide range of people, including victims of conflicts and natural disasters, and people who cannot receive health care services for various reasons such as poverty.
MSF has 38 offices around the world. The main areas of activity are Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.In 2018, we worked in more than 70 countries. About 47,000 overseas staff, local staff and secretariat staff work all over the world. In 2018, MSF Japan dispatched 106 people. The total number of dispatches was 148, working in 27 countries and regions.
We support the Doctors Without Borders.
